How To Make Important Decisions

I think we can all agree, life is full of choices! And you want to make the best possible decision.

Pray to God for direction!

Isaiah 30:21, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it. Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”

The Word of God tells us to pray, and God will make your path straight!

Start your morning seeking God first and He will direct you! You will find after some time; He will not only direct your day but your entire life!

Recalling all the times in my own life where I needed to decide on something, and after consulting with the Lord Jesus through prayer, He has always been so faithful to guide my steps.


God wants you to seek Him with your whole heart and trust Him. To put your life in His very ABLE hands! Beginning to seek the Lord as a young child after receiving Him as my Lord and Savior, it is very natural for me to go to the Lord first! It is definitely a process you need to become comfortable with.

Going to God first is the door opener to making sound decisions about even the most minute challenges. Because to God, nothing is too small where you are concerned. This is what relationship is all about! Good or bad, you’re in this TOGETHER!

There is a movie that I love that emphasizes instead of taking a ‘big leap’, try the ‘baby steps first.’ Especially if you’ve never or rarely have prayed before. But be sure, whether your problem is something small or a bad diagnosis from the doctor, God is bigger than anything you can possibly go through.

Once you practice listening and being led in the direction you BELIEVE He is guiding, it will become easier the next time. Before you realize it, your relationship with God is being developed!

 Marguerite Wafula

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