All Things Common

Until every Christian sees and believes alike on the fundamentals of the faith, Ephesians 4:13. 

You certainly don’t see this in the Body of Christ today, do you? Not only amongst professed believers in the world but in the church. But God wants us to grow up!

I believe the local church is essential to the Kingdom of God and His purposes in the earth! Jesus established the churches through His first apostles. But we have gotten away from the purpose of the Body. I’ve seen and heard how if there is a need, only your denomination or local church can possibly help. Otherwise, you are directed to another organization. We, the believer’s, should be the first to stand with another believer. To pray for them and help them if we can.

What’s the difference between the early church and today? The early church were on ONE ACCORD, ONE FAITH. As if one person. They had all things in common, Acts 2:44; 4:32. The church needs to be together in one faith. When Peter was jailed, it affected ALL THE BELIEVERS. Acts 12:5, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”

Contrasting today, the Body is divided and don’t love one another. Nowadays, you can’t tell who is a Christian and who isn’t. This is not one faith.

What can we learn from the early church?

The Apostles Doctrine: teachings they learned from Jesus and His Gospel. His practices and standards of conduct. We are to read the Bible and study and rightly divide the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15. And studying the scriptures to be more aware of who God is and what God has done for us. His love, forgiveness, acceptance, grace, and mercy!

Fellowshipping with one another. A definition of fellowship is “friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interest. Sharing meals together. A few years ago, my wife told me as she would make a frequent stop to get mocha on her way to work at this particular restaurant, how sweet it was to often see a group of elderly coming together to eat breakfast.

As you spend daily time with the Lord and others, your faith is increasing, and your heart is changing. Revival starts in the heart! It’s a perfect atmosphere for miracles, healings, and deliverances!

Sharing their abundance and increase. Had compassion for the poor and those in need.

Favor. They had favor with God and with all the people.

Acts 2:47, “The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” When our hearts are fully confident in the Lord’s love for us, we will tell others! People will be drawn to Christ in us and want what we have.

We have rights in our land. If abomination is in the land, ALL believers need to stand together to fight it. If you vote for ungodliness, your faith in God is questionable. No matter the outcome, we know we stood in faith. Joseph went from the prison to Prime Minister in the land. How, he stood with God, trusting Him, even in difficult circumstances. Even though, he had done nothing wrong. He stood up for truth. The name of God was known and glorified! When we, in faith, stand up for God, God will fight for us! Glory will go back to God!

The early church practices are a model of how when we come together and help one another, the 2 greatest commandments can be exemplified!

Mark 12:30,31,Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Moses Wafula

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