“In the Old Testament when this scripture was written, God’s people were going through a very dark time. This has been a very challenging year for most! Days of uncertainty and fear grips the hearts of so many! Lost jobs, businesses fighting to stay open, people being evicted from their homes without a care, fighting each other, blaming each other, the list goes on and on. But God’s blessings are still available every moment! You tap into them by simply believing in your heart!
Know God our Creator is a Good God! He gives the gift of rain (water is vital to all life) to everyone and all can enjoy a beautiful warm sunny day! All can receive healing!
When this scripture was written, God’s people were being held captive against their will and mistreated by other nations. God sent this word to encourage them and give them hope for their future. When the time came, God was faithful to His Word!
God all through time is always bringing consolation to us before His Second Coming! Double, this is God’s way of saying, I see all you have suffered! This is not my will and I did not bring this on you! Wait until you see what I have planned for you!
God tells us in His Word, Isaiah 54:14,15, that oppression and terror shall assemble and come your way but not by Him! The weapons (tribulation, calamity, fear, heartache) will come but God is not the one sending them!
God sent Christ, who never sinned, to die for our sins and thus satisfy His own wrath toward us. God, at the Cross, treated Christ as though He had committed our sins even though He was righteous. When we believe in Christ, He treats us as though we were as righteous as Christ!
We do have an enemy, we live in a fallen world and we have free wills, meaning we mess things up pretty good on our own.
God loves to restore and rebuild! He is the God of restoration—that means He’s not going to just repay you for every wrong done, He’s going to go above and beyond and make things even better than they were before!
My husband and I have seen great blessings this year even in the middle of a pandemic! God is still on the throne! What people do or don’t do, how the world feels or not, do not determine who God is and what He can do in your life! God simply loves you and there is nothing you can do about it! You can prosper in the middle of famine! Don’t allow the world and all the chaos cloud your judgment and cause you to not trust God!
One of my favorite scriptures:
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalms 27:13
Yes, some promises God will fulfill at Jesus Second Coming but God has blessed us right now with everything we need to have a victorious life!
As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness!
2 Peter 1:3
Your days are destined to shine brighter because God is faithful! As you stay in faith and are obedient to His Word, you’ll receive double for your trouble and see His promises come to pass!”
Marguerite Wafula
Amen – what a good and timely word!! Thank you for the reminder!! ❤️
Thank you Hannah!
Thanks mum you have really spoke to me I almost losed hope on this pandemic but God is still in the throne. Amen
Yes He is! All His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus for His glory! God gets glory when we prosper. He is not the author of calamity. Praise God for His blessing you!
Just blowing some free time on Digg and I found your post . Not typically what I prefer to learn about, but it was definitely worth my time. Thanks.
Hi Tomasz! Glad to hear that and you’re welcome!!