God Is Not Angry With You!

Joel 2:25
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you.”

In the Old Covenant, God had a covenant with only the Israelites, to bless them, and they repeatedly broke their part of the agreement. They forgot time and time again His faithfulness and goodness to them. So, God disciplined them as a Father.

Because of His grace and mercy, God sent Jesus to show His kindness and salvation plan to every person! This New Covenant of forgiveness and restoration would only come through His Son, Jesus Christ!  

Because of Jesus, He is not angry with you! God knows our frame and knew we could not recover from the consequences of sin!

We may think, it’s too late, I’ve wasted too much time, or I’m too old to make a difference! Saying things, like what does it matter now? I’ve done so many wrong things. You may have, but God is a God of increase, multiplication, blessings, and restoration!

God instituted the Year of Jubilee as a foreshadowing for his future work on the Cross!  Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He relieves us of all spiritual debts and our slavery to sin. We are freed from both!

Jesus is our perfectly Holy and Righteous sacrifice for our sin!! Hallelujah! Jesus alone satisfies the requirements of the Law, and He alone provides the sacrifice that atones for sin.

2 Corinthians 5:21

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”.

I have seen families broken hearted because of the loss of a baby, God blessing them with several children. Marriages healed when at the point of separation and divorce imminent.

I can tell you, I prayed from my youth for a godly mate. Made colossal mistakes prior to meeting my wonderful husband at the age of 50! We have been happily married and I could not have chosen a more perfect mate! But I committed to God my prayers a long time ago and just walked with Him. Through all my wrong turns, He is faithful!

If you walk with God in relationship and fellowship, He will change you and your circumstances. He will do what He desires to do most, bless you abundantly. You can thrive and be peaceful in a world of chaos!

God is not angry with you! He is not even a little bit upset!

Marguerite Wafula


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