Happy Birthday Jesus!

Have you heard the phrase, “A Magical Christmas?”

People like the feel of the Christmas season! The hopefulness, their favorite holiday songs, smell of pine trees, Christmas cookies, and so many warm delightful traditions. Reminiscing how your childhood Christmases were with your parents! What’s your special memory?

Who doesn’t want a future like this description to be present every day! Everything is fresh and new!

If you’re not careful your Christmas can be a debt trap by maxing out your credit card, buying unaffordable gifts. Others use the season by working harder on your job or more profit for your business. Christmas can be a time of romance and the hopes I will find my forever love and life will end happily ever after.

But the real meaning of Christmas gets more diluted every year!

Matthew 5:13,14, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Wake up to hope blog is to proclaim the Truths of  God’s Love! THE GREATEST MIRACLE THAT HAS EVER OCCURRED!

The true meaning of Christmas is to remember the day Jesus was born! John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us..”

Some complain this was not the exact birth date of Jesus. But we need to ask ourselves, is it more important to celebrate an exact date or to REMEMBER? To remember Jesus and why He came? Afterall, this is what we do. We celebrate birthdays to remember, acknowledge, and appreciate the life of a person who has been born. There are many, who for various circumstances do not have a record of their birth date. So, they pick a month, day and year that is closest to what they researched and celebrate this annually as their birth date!  

For this reason, THE LORD’S SUPPER or COMMUNION is observed among the Believer’s! In remembrance of Him, Jesus Christ, who substituted His Body and Blood as a sacrifice for Humanities (every person) sin! Most do not know the exact date unless you have done further research. The Lord’s Supper is about remembering our Lord Jesus and His death!

Not just to recall that it happened but mediate or ponder trying to recapture the significance of that special moment! Like we would our wedding day, or your child’s birth!

Almighty God purposely came to the earth, fashioned as a human being in the womb of a human mother, for one purpose: so, He could die on the Cross to purchase our salvation!

If that was all it He came for, WE SAY “THANK YOU God!” But God came in human flesh so He could also destroy the works of the devil in your life (1 John 3:8).


God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to secure a restored relationship with Him and man, His crowning creation, and an eternal destiny in Heaven for all who believe!

Merry Christmas! From our house to yours!

Moses & Marguerite Wafula


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