Jesus, The Good Shepherd

“John 10:11, I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”

Jesus heart is to take care for the sheep. The sheep is gentle and humble with a character that is not seen in another animal.

The sheep believes to see the shepherd or person taking care of them in front when they are grazing. Then the sheep will be comfortable. If you stand behind the sheep when they are going out, they will continually come back to the shepherd. Because it is not trusting you are watching out for danger.

This scripture characterizes how Jesus watches over us. He is not walking behind us but leading! It would be unusual for a sheep herder to give his life for his sheep, even though they cared for them. But Jesus gave His life! He is the good shepherd! He will not run away or abandon the sheep when in trouble!

Hebrews 13:5, “For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Jesus is our good leader as a shepherd to the flock! Jesus came for the purpose to take care of us. We need to know Him, His voice, His movements, His character! Then we can trust Him! There will be confidence, encouragement, and faith that Jesus loves you!

In John, verses 14, 15, 16, Jesus says He knows His sheep. People name their animals. The animals respond to that name, and they are happy when they see their master. Jesus knows your name! The Lord tells us in the Bible, Jeremiah 1:5, “He knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb.” Jesus knows you, even the non-Jewish believers (Gentiles). We are one flock. Doesn’t matter your color, race, or nationality. All need Jesus, Jews, and Gentiles! We all stand equally at the foot of the cross needing a Savior!

The life of King David began as a shepherd. So, David knew when he wrote Psalms 23. David said Jesus was his shepherd and he knew he lacked nothing! Jesus is wanting to bring us out to green pastures. A safe place for us. Jesus is on the throne working it out! He is not ignoring or overlooking you! He is just close to you! The sheep need food, green pastures. Still waters, they need water. He knows what you need before you ask.

David dealt with rough and harmful animals in the forest!  The bear was snatching the flock and David risked his life to kill the bear. The flock is already injured but he saved them. Nurturing them back to health. Like the doctors and nurses who tend to our bodies, working hard to help us. He restores my soul. Providing healing in all areas of our lives, mentally, physically, emotionally.

Sheep in green pastures are just comfortable. They don’t want to go anywhere. They are content

Jesus will help you not to lack nothing. When you have lost your business, job, and home, Jesus is with you! When people are talking about you, saying you will never make it, Jesus is leading you to green pastures! You just need to believe and follow Him. Go forth! Leave where you are and take steps of faith! He will revive you again, your business, finances! Your marriage is breaking up, on the brink of divorce, but if you believe Jesus, He will sustain your marriage! He will cancel that divorce. You don’t have a cent to buy food, focus on Jesus, the good shepherd! Those who worked against you, your enemies will pay your bills, buy you food. They will call you again! God will commission them, and Jesus will move on their hearts. Jesus will make a table for you in the presence of your enemies! Take it, enjoy the meal, and praise the Lord! If you surrender your life and allow the Lord to lead you, then what David declared in this Psalm; you can also make your confession.  

We are anointed by God! Anointing will break the yoke of the enemy, death cannot hold us, we can speak, and it will happen. From a bad situation, lacking, oppressed, you come to Jesus, now your cup is running over!! Overflow, lacking nothing!! As a believer, you have it already through the finished work of the Cross of Jesus! You just need to see it!

In a relationship with Jesus, you can have this confidence, you lack nothing! It gets better! God is preparing a new home for us!

We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! Amen!

Moses & Marguerite Wafula

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