Jesus, The Teacher of Teachers

Jesus while on the earth was a teacher. He taught multitudes of people and His disciples. Mark 1”22, “And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” His teachings impacted their lives for He was teaching with the power of God!

Jesus taught them about the Kingdom of God!

Bringing light and the power of God down to us in the earth! Revealing the secret things of God with knowledge and understanding. Jesus was telling them about what He knew from His Father. People realized this was not the normal teachings they heard from the priests in the synagogues.

Teachers are very important because they help someone to gain knowledge; to come into awareness of something they did not know. Jesus is full of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and power of God! He wasn’t guessing! What He spoke, He was doing!

When He taught about healing; He healed the blind.

When He taught about God supplying; He provided food to over 5,000 and they were satisfied! This transformed the lives of people!

Jesus wants us to know God and our position in Him when we are born again! God has a good plan for our lives. That our sin is forgiven! That He wants us to live an abundant life. This is the will of God for everyone not just the Jewish people. Because the Jewish people only knew the law, it was difficult for them to agree with Jesus in so many areas of His teachings! Jesus Christ is the teacher of teachers.

Matthew 28”20, “teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.”

He is the author and finisher of our faith! People called Him, ‘Teacher, Lord; and some ‘Rabbi’ (Hebrew language). All addressed Jesus as these names, His followers, His disciples, even His enemies. And rightly so!

Jesus thinking is different than ours. His ways not our ways, Isaiah 55:8.9.

God knows the enemy has attacked our bodies; deceived our minds. God is working through Jesus to heal us mind, body, and soul! To save us from the wrath of God on Judgment Day! This affects our spirit! God has sent Jesus to help us to know how to get out of these attacks!

So many people, do not know what God created them to do. We need someone to help us understand our purpose! We need a teacher.

30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So, he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

Before becoming born again, I did not know nor understand God! Since receiving Jesus Christ in my heart and life, I have learned so much about God! Now I can teach others! Everyday is a new day for me because I am learning from Jesus! I have a relationship with Jesus, and He talks to me a lot! My faith in Him has increased through time!

Jesus will do the same for you!

We could not know God accept for someone who knows Him very well! God sent Jesus! Simply put, He came Himself! Jesus revealed the same God people were looking in the mountain; in Jerusalem is the one who has come down from heaven to us! Why, to pay our debt; to forgive our sin; to teach us about God; to reconcile us back to God!

We have eternal life. This is what He wanted from the beginning with Adam! He wanted Adam and all of us to live forever! Jesus because of His love for us, died for us! He loves us with all of His heart!

The disciples continued to teach and speak what Jesus taught them! When we preach and teach the gospel, we don’t want to speak from our own thinking. We want to teach what Jesus is still teaching through His Spirit!

John 14:26, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

We make a grave mistake when we hate the Teacher; we miss the things of God! The knowledge of this world is temporary. The time is coming we will not need doctors, engineers, government, lawyers, etc. God’s knowledge will help you in this temporary world and in eternity!

We have many scholars who can guess but we have only one Jesus Christ who came from heaven to earth to show us the way!

Moses & Marguerite Wafula

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