Jigsaw Puzzles

I am inspired by what Joyce Meyers once said about putting together a jigsaw puzzle! “That 62% of the puzzles are blue and white skies, green grass and green trees!” If you get the picture? “The challenge is finding the lots of same colored pieces that fit together! Then you get so tired of the monotony, you try to make it fit!” She was really hilarious!

Seriously, life can be like jigsaw puzzles at times! If you have asked anything of God in prayer, you know, most of the time after asking and before receiving, is spent waiting on the Lord! You can come to be frustrated and weary of putting the sky and greenery together in the puzzle, especially a very sizeable one!

For instance, how great is the vision you have?

We ask, how much longer Lord? If I have to wait one more day! Does God hear me? Will He answer me? What else do I have to do? Seldom, do we wait with patience trusting God fully! We can complain and become bitter, lazy, and even sometimes quit. Some of you have not even asked God for anything.

John 16:24, “Up to this time you have not asked a [single] thing in My Name [as presenting all that I Am]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete.” AMPC

Asking puts you in a responsible position of having to trust the Father to come through and you are forced to exercise your faith! But avoiding asking, is also exercising your faith choosing not to trust God!

I like to share how I believed God for a husband He thought was suitable for me and not of mine own understanding. My prayer request began as a teenager and my gift showed up just before my fiftieth birthday! Don’t worry, my testimony, not necessarily yours! (smile) This was a very long time to believe for something I know. We are perfect for each other! Only God could do that! But others have believed much longer for various matters! Even though, I did not always have a good attitude, still I knew God is faithful!

2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true(faithful to His Word and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself." AMPC

Today, I am much more confident and at peace while waiting on the Lord, (as I should be)! Time spent with Jesus should prove out and mature you that He is Faithful, Reliable and Trustworthy!

Sometimes we ask when are we getting to the good stuff? Life is not a sprint but a marathon. It’s the in between momentous events or occasions, our character develops!

This month (August 2020), my husband and I are witnessing the completion of the building of a children’s home housing thirty orphaned kids! We believed God and began planning! God is so Faithful! We contracted someone to begin construction February 2017! Currently, we are, nearing the completion of the building this week! The last phase is furnishings and kids just move in!!

God wants you to finish what you started and accomplish more! God is not a quitter and hopefully neither are you! Know this one thing, He is helping you every step!

Be found faithful in all you do for the Lord! Don’t quit or give up! When you first look at the puzzle, it looks very challenging. While working on it and even half way through, your confidence rises! Then, when the puzzle is complete, oh what joy and accomplishment! Meditate on the finished work and praise Him all the way through! Finish the course!

Marguerite Wafula

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