Love Endures All Things

An indifference to someone’s suffering or an inability to sympathize or empathize, [“Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and understanding WHY they may have these particular feelings]”, are signs of the end times. We’re in the generation of the Lord Jesus return! An age (of grace) that will come to an end. Another age will be birthed, THE GREAT TRIBULATION.   

Matthew 24:12, “There will be more and more evil [sin; lawlessness] in the world, so most people will stop showing their love for each other. The love of many/most will grow cold.” 

We live in a fallen world and the Bible is very clear, the world is an enemy of God. Belief and performance opposed to God’s ways and standards. Jesus warned His first disciples and us today, there would be a worldwide rejection to go another direction. However, this love mentioned in Matthew 24:12 is referring to the Church, the Believer’s, the Christians, not just unbeliever’s. The Believer’s coldness towards God and towards one another, due to the increased iniquity or the inner act of willfulness against God.

The heart has become cold or hardened either from personal sin, condoning sin in others or sin in the environment. Spiritually becoming desensitized to the things of God because of allowing your surroundings to affect you.

1 Corinthians 13:8, “ Love patiently accepts all things [bears all things; or always protects], always trusts [believes all things], always hopes [hopes all things], and always endures [endures all things].”

We can and must choose to stay in faith, trusting God and His Word! It is a choice! The Good News is the Holy Spirit has called you to be Victorious in every situation, every circumstance! No matter what the pressure!

For the Believers who hang in there, stay in faith, not quitting, refusing to surrender, no matter what comes, will endure!

Stick by the Bible, stand on God’s Word, trust Him! God is helping you, empowering you to stand your ground!

“For He Himself Has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Keep the fire burning!

Marguerite Wafula

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