When the Old Testament is understood, one can observe the Heart of God the Father! At times it is unappreciated why Jesus Christ came from glory to a sinful world, clothe Himself in sin to suffer and die for all humanity. Not until the Old Testament is revealed to our hearts.

You may often hear it said, “Why would He do that?” “I’ll never understand why He loves me so much.”
I believe there is a balance between the two Testaments.
Experiencing a revelation in our hearts regarding the Old Testament will open our spiritual eyes to the nature and character of God! As you read and meditate on His Word, you are literally glimpsing the mind of the Creator of the heavens and the earth, angels, man, and all there is! The Old Testament leads you on a journey exploring the purposes of God for mankind. How He values man and everything revolves around man, above everything, including the angels!
We were made in His image; Genesis 1:26.
John 3:16, “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish but have eternal life.”

What a wonderful verse of God’s unconditional love for mankind!
God loves us and He values us in that He created us with everything we would ever need to prosper in this present world. And life eternal! If one is not living the abundant life, it is on the individual’s end not God. God has done His part and even at times, intervenes for us! In His creation and redemption plan, He has left ‘no stone unturned’ to ensure we have the BEST available to us!
Google defines the phrase ‘no stone unturned’ as “doing everything possible to find something or to solve a problem”.

God is the same God in the Old Testament as He is in the New! His heart is still the same towards us! The scriptures say, He delights in the prosperity of His children, Psalms 35:27. Prosperity includes but is not limited to material possessions (mental health, healing in soul), but not for those material things to take His place in our hearts.
Therefore His command to the children of Israel then is still relevant today, to Remember the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:10, “When you have eaten and are satisfied, then you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.”
In short, don’t forget the Lord when after you’ve cried, begged, prayed, sought Him for the things you now have (jobs, careers, businesses, marriages, children, houses, cars, clothes, bank accounts).
In America we are so blessed! Never more realized until you travel abroad, especially to an impoverished nation. But more often the citizens of those countries experience more miracles and are seemingly closer in relationship with God and Jesus. Why is this? When you have a lot, it is easy to relax and your focus deviates off God onto self. Gradually becoming deceived into believing we got these things from our own intelligence, money, and position. In the beginning our minds were clear and our hearts pure knowing only God is the source!
We seek God, and then, when we get things we want, God is no longer a priority. Nor spending time with Him in prayer a necessity but now it’s ‘if I have time.’ What happened? Your priorities have shifted, and God is no longer first.
The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that Jesus came to suffer for and save You! He gave His life so you could live! He died for our sin! Yours and mine!
Seek Him first (Matthew 6:33) and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you!
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to encourage, lead, guide, and bring to your remembrance what Jesus has said! He is your Helper!

If you will listen, the Holy Spirit will not let you forget! Rely on the Holy Spirit! He will tell you of things to come and what to avoid! But you have to get to know Him and be sensitive to His voice and leadings!
He will never steer you wrong!
Marguerite Wafula