Without ME You Can Do Nothing

Abide in me and I will abide in you!

John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

To abide in the Lord means that we remain believing and trusting Jesus is everything we need. When we are abiding in Jesus, we are experiencing an intimate relationship with Him!. Merely seeking God only when there’s a need or problem is not abiding. It’s about consistency!!

Because the fruit is manifested on the branch, it is easy to credit the branch with the fruit, when it is the vine that drew the life from the earth and channeled it through the branch. Likewise, since we are the branches through which the life of God flows, we sometimes think that it is our own holiness that produces the fruit. This can cause us to not trust or cling to the true Vine! Trusting in our limited ability is not abiding! We need to recognize it’s not our ability but Jesus ability. Our responsibility is to respond in faith and receive!

One way to abide in the Lord is to read God’s Word daily!

Every time I read the Bible; I get a revelation! Even if I have read the same scriptures over and over. It is not a new word, or a new revelation. It was there all the time, but my eyes are being enlightened to that truth!

2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Now, we are not more accepted by God or less accepted if we read His word. All those who have received Jesus Christ, God’s Son is accepted by God! This verse is saying, as we study and properly dissect the Word of God, it is to our advantage! To interpret God’s Word correctly! When received in our hearts, will drive shame out (or any ungodly thinking), and help us walk in the freedom Christ has given us!!

John 15:2, speaks of “fruit,” then “more fruit,” and finally in John 15:5 and 8, “much fruit. These verses speak of growing in the teachings of the Word of God! We must grow, not just in knowledge, but understanding and revelation!

Proverbs 18:15, “The mind of the prudent is ever getting knowledge, and the ear of the wise is ever seeking (inquiring for and craving) knowledge.”

The wise increases learning! We keep to this example effortlessly in the world but in spiritual matters, we lack understanding! Good lawyers keep learning to be effective. Laws are changing all the time and they need to stay informed. Doctors need life-long learning so they can provide modern care for patients! My hair stylist too needs ongoing education for her clients who trust her with an important part of their identity, hair!

If lawyers, doctors, owners of business still need continuing education in their field, why does the Church think we only need to read God’s Word once? Or not at all?

Prayer, communicating with God and fellowshipping with other Believer’s is essential as well! Keeps us strong in the things of God and encouraged!

Abide in my love!

The best way to abide is to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19.

Not just reading about God’s love but experiencing through fellowship with Him! God’s love is the key that opens the door to everything that God is. 

Moses & Marguerite Wafula


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